Tuesday 14 June 2011

Set In Stone

After much writing, re-writing, editing and downright jiggery-pokery, I've finally got a five-minute set I'm happy with.

The trick was to put 30 random one-liners into an order that made sense, and more importantly, something I could easily remember - something which was always a problem when I gigged up North.

I divided the jokes up into 8 loosely-connected themes, such as Jobs, People, Religion, etc and split the jokes up into boxes with these themes labelled on each box. (By the way, I'm talking about Microsoft Word, I don't actually have eight boxes full of jokes on my living room floor.  That'd be weird.)

I've got a printout in front of me and I think I can memorise this set fairly quickly now.  I hope so, because I want to start gigging again and make my debut on the London open mic circuit.  I've been away from stand-up too long, and although I only did 7 gigs last time, mainly due to travel constraints, hopefully I can accept open mics and open spots all across the city.

Let's hope London's public transport system doesn't let me down...